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Your partner through the green transition

Helping you to make cleaner, smarter decisions across the full lifecycle of your global maritime activity.

We can work with you on your decarbonisation strategy; helping you to understand regulations, your exposure and how to minimise, the role of technology and the impact of the green transition on asset value and company value.


A consultative approach to devising and executing your decarbonisation strategy.

We have a comprehensive understanding of the evolving regulation, forthcoming updates, timings, frameworks and policies that your business must comply with. Whether through voluntary actions or as a result of regulation, we can assist in the construct of your decarbonisation strategy both operationally and from a value creation perspective and help you to execute across our full end-to-end service offering.

Book a meeting with the Green Transition team today to talk about the range of options available to you.

Research services

Macro views of the industry to inform your decarbonisation strategy.


The technology toolkit you need to monitor and report on your carbon output.

Broking services

Make cleaner decisions with a broking partner at every stage of the shipping lifecycle.

Financial services

Unlock new opportunities with the right financial structuring to reach your green objectives.

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Whether you need guidance, insight, tools or execution, Clarksons can help


Macro views of the industry give structure and rationale to your decarbonisation strategy.

How we can help

We understand the take up of alternative fuels and energy-saving technologies across the world fleet.

We provide reports on the impact of technology and regulations on vessel earnings and value.

We can model scenario planning on supply/demand for emission reduction targets.

We providing data modelling on trade flows and how decarbonisation will impact them.


The technology toolkit you need to monitor and report on your carbon output.

How we can help

Digital tools to support cleaner decision-making pre-fixture by understanding estimates of carbon consumption output.

Digital tools that enable the recording of relevant data to enable carbon calculations post fixture.

Reporting capabilities on key metrics such as actual vs permitted CO2, EEOI and more.

Holistic reporting on vessel carbon footprint to help with greener decisions and reduce exposure for future voyages.


Make cleaner, smarter decisions with a broking partner at every stage of the shipping lifecycle.

How we can help

New build and S&P - alternative fuel/propulsion of new buildings, optimisation of vessels, recycle and liquidation.

Broking - across shipping, offshore and renewables markets, our brokers are enabled by technology to calculate CO2 emissions and can be the way-finder to carbon reduction solutions provided elsewhere in the group.

Carbon credit broking - access to market prices and execute transactions; guidance through the administration and documentation process; exposure calculations and guidance on strategies.


Unlock new opportunities to reach your green objectives.

How we can help

Access new markets and technologies, either through acquisition or by raising funds for new growth initiatives towards new technology and environmentally friendly solutions.

Advising on projects to finance alternative fuel vessels or build vessels that support the offshore wind market.

Research and insight to underpin investment cases that are focused on the green energy transition.

Support on how to communicate your green ambitions/profile and approach, how to qualify for different investors' investment mandates or how to achieve 'green credentials.'

01 Audit

Understand your current carbon exposure.

02 Assess

Assess short term and long term objectives against the green transition backdrop.

03 Discuss

Discuss strategies to mitigate disruption, minimise penalties and leverage opportunities with positive ESG.

Start thinking about your route to carbon reduction today.

Complete the form below and our Green Transition team will be in touch to arrange a meeting.

Commodity Quay St Katharine Docks London, EC1W 1BF